
Breaking Record of Quebec’s Covid-19 Cases – What is Quebec’s Strategy for Fifth Wave

Quebecs Covid-19

Posted on Dec 24th, 2021 by Priyanka Jadhav, Last updated on Aug 8th, 2022

Overview of the Spread of Covid-19 Cases in Quebec, Canada

The Covid-19 pandemic in Canada and all over the world has been due to the spread of SARS-CoV-2. The rise of Coronavirus cases has been reported the most in the three largest provinces of Canada; Ontario, Quebec, and Alberta. Confirmed existing reports state that the strain of Coronavirus reached Canada on 27th January 2020. With the uprising Quebec Covid cases 19 cases, Canada took necessary steps quickly and restricted the entry of travelers from all countries (with few exceptions). 

Quebec observed their first case of the Omicron variant of Covid-19 in November 2021. In response to the substantial risks and uncertainties raised by the spread of the Omicron variant in Canada. The Minister of Health, the Honorable Jean-Yves Duclos on 17th December 2021 announced further adjustments to travel and border measures, especially on India to Canada flights. Canada travel restrictions and border measures are intended to lessen the transmission of Covid 19 cases in Quebec. This in return will assist provinces and territories slow down the spread of transmission. 

Current Situation of Quebec Covid 19 Cases

  • The Uprising Number of Cases : 6, 361 new Quebec Covid 19 cases were reported in December 23rd, 2021, shattering the province’s previous record by reporting more than 1,000 cases. Quebec is Canada’s most populous province, with 8.4 million inhabitants. Quebec reached a significant milestone when it recorded half a million cases so far of this pandemic, which translates to around 6.25 percent of the province’s population being infected with the virus. Calculating Covid 19 Cases Quebec’s test positivity percentage, a significant indicator of how widely the virus is spreading is known to have increased to 13.1 percent on Wednesday, a three-point increase from the previous day’s figure.
  • Latest Updates on Deaths and Recoveries – Covid 19 Cases in Quebec Today:The most recent data of Covid 19 cases Quebec – death and recoveries in Quebec in the past 24 hours reports two new deaths, bringing the total number of deaths in one of the largest provinces of Canada to 11, 652. The total number of cases that have been recovered of Covid-19 is 452, 509. 

In a press conference on Tuesday, Legault said that, “In the past week, the number of covid cases has tripled. We have 9000 new cases, and we expect hospitalizations to continue the increase.” He further continued, “Our objective remains the same – to safeguard our hospitals so that we may continue to provide care to all those who require it.” 

Reports by the Quebec Government state that according to Covid deaths by age: 

The age group from 80 years old and above is the most vulnerable due to the spread of Coronavirus. 38.7% of the daily deaths are reported in the age group of 80-89-year-olds and 31.7% of the deaths per day are in the age group of 90 years and above.

Measure in Force to Control the Spread of Covid 19 Cases in Quebec

Quebec has reinstated strict public health restrictions in recent weeks in order to contain a significant increase in the number of Covid-19 cases. As the result of the rapid spread of the Omicron variant, the province of Quebec has closed bars, gyms, and casinos; and has announced that non-essential workers should work from home starting on Monday to battle the spread of the infection.All non-essential workers, including civil servants, are no longer required to commute for office. The provincial government has put a halt to all public activities that are not relevant to the implementation of Covid 19 Quebec restrictions.  

Christian Dube, the health minister, has called on Quebecers to limit their physical contact as the Christmas holiday season approaches. Dube stated that effective immediately schools will be shut down until January 10. Students in primary school will have a longer break, and high school students will be required to access remote learning. 

Elementary schools will remain open for vaccination campaigns and the distribution of rapid test kits. Parents who require daycare services for their children, especially healthcare sectors, can continue to avail themselves of the school daycare services. Restaurants will be open with a capacity reduction of 50% from 5 pm to 10 pm. Additionally, sporting events will be held indoors.

Symptoms of Covid-19 & Omicron Variant

Originated in Wuhan, China; the infectious disease caused by Coronavirus is a new strain not detected in people earlier. The many variants of Covid-19 have been labeled as a ‘variant of concern’ by the World Health Organization.

Common Symptoms of Covid-19 are

  • Fever
  • Chills
  • Cough
  • Sore throat
  • Tiredness
  • Difficulty in breathing
  • Headache
  • Myalgia (muscle pain)
  • Anosmia (loss of sense of smell) 
  • Dysgeusia (Distortion of sense of taste)
  • Nausea
  • Loss of appetite 
  • Runny nose

Uncommon symptoms such as diarrhea, conjunctivitis, and chest pain can also occur. 

The commonly observed symptoms of Omicron patients are runny nose, headache, fatigue, sneezing, and sore throat.

Vaccination Data Against Covid 19 Cases in Quebec

On December 22, 2021, the Covid-19 vaccination data of Quebec reported,

  1. A cumulative number of doses received: 16943785
  2. A cumulative number of administered doses of the vaccine: 14619

Christian Dube’s Advice for Covid-19 Cases in Quebec

Dube has advised people to limit contact for the coming few days. Organizing gatherings of up to 10 people from a maximum of three residences are allowed but advised against. Hospitalization, as reported, is now at 397 beds, which is more than half the province’s total capacity of 671 beds. The system’s low capacity is not owing to lack of beds, as explained by Dube; however, it is rather a severe dearth of health care workers, many being on leave or have abandoned the system completely. The head of the Province’s Vaccination Campaign has announced that the province is attempting to accelerate the delivery of third-dose vaccinations, but that more people are needed to administer the vaccine shots. The campaign is set to prioritize vaccination to the older, vulnerable, and healthcare workers.

The Situation of Testing Centers in Quebec Against Covid-19

The fifth wave of the pandemic is causing long queues and delays in getting test results as the Omicron variant drives daily case counts to record-breaking levels. This has been putting a burden on laboratories in the province, according to a union that represents 5,400 laboratory technicians in Quebec. Dube has urged only people with symptoms to get tested, in contrast, Dr. Donal Vinh feels that the strategy is incorrect and in this radar, asymptomatic people are not targeted. He estimated that approximately 15,000 asymptomatic people are currently unaccounted for based on the current testing levels and the expected number of interactions one has in a day that can spike the transmission of Covid-19 in Quebec. On December 15, laboratories in Quebec were processing 46,830 Covid-19 tests daily, a record high. Dube aims to prioritize at-home rapid tests and has already started distributing 800,000 rapid tests by Christmas in Quebec. 

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Covid 19 Quebec Restrictions on Travel 

The travel and tourism industry, in accordance with current health measures, is open and ready to welcome travelers. Fully vaccinated individuals are only allowed to partake in activities, and the capacity is limited to 50%.

  • Restaurants will be open till 10 pm, nonetheless, drive-through and delivery services will remain open till a little later. 
  • Shopping stores
  • Religious institutions
  • Museums
  • Outdoor events (excluding sporting activities). 

What will remain closed in Quebec?

  • Bars and casinos
  • Indoor events and indoor amusement centers
  • Theatres and cinema halls
  • Gyms and spas

Are there any travel restrictions in Quebec?

  • Visitors who are completely vaccinated carrying a vaccination passport are only allowed to do certain non-essential activities. 
  • In closed or partially covered public areas as well as public transportation, anyone above the age of 10 is required to wear a mask. 
  • There is a 50% limit on the number of visitors at a tourist attraction in order to maintain a safe distance from each other.

Who is allowed to enter Canada?

  • Citizens of Canada, permanent residents of Canada, people registered under the Indian Act, are allowed to enter Canada. 
  • Foreign nationals who are fully vaccinated may be allowed to enter Canada for non-restricted (tourist) travel. 
  • Foreign nationals who don’t qualify as fully vaccinated will only be allowed under specific instances.

Prevention of Covid-19 

On Monday, the Quebec government will reinforce public health precautions as Covid-19 cases rise across the province and the possibility of Omicron looms.

  • Masks will once again become mandatory in elementary and high schools, even on the school buses. 
  • A maximum of ten individuals can be together inside, and twenty outside will be allowed for private gatherings. And everyone would be required to utilize rapid test kits before coming to a gathering. 
  • Customers will be limited to 20 square meters in a shopping store. 
  • Funerals and weddings are allowed to invite 25 people.

It is necessary to wear masks at all times possible when the individual is in a public place. With the use of masks, one should also remember to get themselves checked if they have a suspicion of any symptoms. Additionally, one must carry a hand sanitizer with them at all times and remember to use it regularly.

With the spread of coronavirus yet again, it is time to ensure that the fifth wave doesn’t become as lethal as the previous times. Although, Canada travel restrictions have been quite lenient currently, and India to Canada flights with fully vaccinated passengers are allowed; it is time we travel only when it is necessary. The leading travel agency and a number one choice of household, MyTicketsToIndia presents this holiday season a deal that you should hardly miss out on. We bring to you festive deals and incredible discounts on flights to Canada from India and return flights from Canada to India as well.


About Priyanka View All Posts

Priyanka Jadhav is a travel writer, who is inclined to explore different cultures and countries. When she is not writing, she is either reading fiction novels or surfing the internet for the next best place to add to her bucket list. Her interests piqued at a young age when she traveled across India and witnessed a variety of cultures, languages, foods, and people. If you're craving for an adrenaline rush, or need an instant travel update - Priyanka has a way with words to help you in every aspect possible. Bring quirky articles and the latest travel updates your way through MyTicketsToIndia, she aims to provide travelers with the necessary information possible.

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